Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Resources and Summary of Proposed Changes to ELAR TEKS

The SBOE proposes changes to the current ELAR TEKS based on revisions to the College, Carreer, and Military Readidness Standards for ELA. Here is the new document:

Revised CCRMS for ELAR

At this site, TEA explains the rationale for the changes, lists the authority to do so, and explains the next steps. Links are also included for the revised documents. Scroll the the bottom to Attachment 1 and II to see the actual documents. Public commentary begins tomorrow. Second reading is at the board meeting next month.

Attachment I:  Rule text for ELAR changes

Attachment II Rule text for SLAR changes. I have not reviewed these changes yet, but I understand that there are quite a few additional standards added.

Comment: The term literary nonfiction does not appear in the revised CCMRS.
Comment: Be sure you understand the differences between genre and mode.

Subchapter A: Elementary: e - If I understand this correctly, this strikethrough is needed to revoke the current TEKS so that the new ones can go into effect. You'll see this for each grade level. TEA and the SBOE have to do this all the content areas and it is common practice.

B8E and F: deletes and from E and moves it to the right place after F - This is done in each grade level because they have added an additional standard to each grade.

B8F: adds an entire SE: discuss with adult assistance the characteristics of literary nonfiction. (This standard is currently addressed in multiple genres)

Multiple Grades: 6C - language was: make, correct, or confirm predictions....
                            revisions are: make and correct or confirm predictions...(Oxford comma?)

Second- English IV, 6G: language was: evaluate details read to determine  key ideas;
                           revisions are: evaluate details read to determine the main idea and key ideas; (already subsumed in response D and comprehension strands)

Second Grade: 9G: new expectation added: recognize the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as biographies and autobiographies. (currently covered in multiple genres)

Third Grade: 9(G) new expectation added:  explain the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as personal narratives, biographies, and autobiographies.(currently covered in multiple genres)

Fourth Grade, Fifth Grade: 9D - removes character tags from drama (character tags are elements of drama that share insights about the character or personality to support the reader's comprehension or the actor's interpretation of the character)

Fourth Grade: 9G new expectation added: explain the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as personal narratives, biographies, and autobiographies. (currently covered in multiple genres)

Fifth Grade: 9G: new expectation added: analyze the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as diaries, journals, and personal narratives. (currently covered in multiple genres)

Fifth Grade 11Dx: Language was: punctuation marks, including commas in compound and complex sentences, quotation marks in dialogue, and italics and underlining for titles and emphasis; and
                              Revisions are: commas in compound and complex sentences, quotation marks in                                  dialogue, and italics and underlining for titles and emphasis; and (There are all kinds of punctuation marks besides commas, quotation marks, etc. The revised language suggests that those listed are now the only ones considered.)

Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade, 9th grade: 8Di: Language was: the controlling idea or thesis with supporting evidence;
                             Revisions are: the central or controlling idea or thesis with supporting evidence;

Sixth Grade: 8G: new expectation added: analyze the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as diaries, journals, and personal narratives. (currently covered in multiple genres)

Sixth Grade, Seventh Grade, Eighth Grade: 11B language was: compose informational texts, including multi-paragraph essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear controlling idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft;
                              revisions are: compose informational texts, including multi-paragraph essays that convey information about a topic, using a clear central or controlling idea or thesis statement and genre characteristics and craft;

Seventh Grade: 10G: new expectation added: analyze the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as diaries, journals, and memoirs. (currently covered in multiple genres)

Eighth Grade, English I, : C: original language was: analyze non-linear plot development such as flashbacks, [foreshadowing,] subplots, and parallel plot structures and compare it to linear plot development; and
                              revisions are - removes foreshadowing (The rationale I remember from TEA at CREST was that foreshadowing isn't a nonlinear plot element. Foreshadowing IS a nonlinear plot element.)

Eighth Grade: 8G: new expectation added: analyze the distinguishing characteristics of literary nonfiction such as diaries, journals, and memoirs. (currently covered in the multiple genres strand)

English I: Adds a new expectation under the response strand (currently covered in author's purpose and craft): 5K discuss the ways in which diverse texts generate understanding of varied perspectives.

English I: Adds a new expectation under the response strand  (currently covered in the multiple genres strand): 7G read and respond to literary nonfiction such as speeches and literary essays.

English I:Adds a new expectation under the response strand (currently covered in author's purpose and craft) ) discuss the artistic qualities of diverse texts.

English II: Adds new expectation under the response strand (currently covered in author's purpose and craft) discuss the ways in which diverse texts generate understanding of varied perspectives.

English III: Adds new expectation under the response strand read and respond to literary nonfiction such as speeches and literary essays. (currently covered in the multiple genres strand)

English III: Adds new expectation:  analyze and critique literary nonfiction such as speeches and literary essays. (currently covered in the author's purpose and craft strand)

English IV: Adds a new expectation : discuss the artistic qualities of diverse texts (currently covered in the author's purpose and craft strand; note the level of the verb as compared to previous grades)

English IV: Adds a new expectation: discuss the ways in which diverse texts generate understanding of varied perspectives. (currently covered in multiple genres)

English IV: Adds new expectation: analyze and critique literary nonfiction such as speeches and literary essays. (currently covered in author's purpose and craft)

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