Saturday, January 1, 2022

The Baker's Post Christmas Advent 7


Mise en place. It’s the religion of line cooks (Anthony Bourdain). It means that you have everything in

place before you start cooking. There’s actually five steps to it. 1. Read the entire recipe.

2. Prepare your workspace. Prepare the sanitation bucket. 3. Prepare the equipment.

Make sure all that stuff is clean. 4. Gather ingredients. Pre-measure ingredients into prep cups.

5. Prepare ingredients and place in bowls. This may include washing, knife work, and other steps.

While I can make analogies like reading the entire recipe and reading the entire recipe(Bible) for our

lives and God’s plan, I’m struck by the actual translation of the word to English: establishment.

God established a plan to help those in Ukraine through Kind House. We bake. You buy.

God uses it to save lives. What a joy to be part of God’s mise en place. 

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