A while ago, I worked on a project with Sirius Education Solutions to explain some strategies that were helping kids read online. And, we looked at how we use some of those strategies for online assessment.
There are several lessons, each with a description, lesson, video, and TEKS commentary.
Here's what we have for you so far:
Page to Pixel: Improving Digital Reading for Students Begins By Understanding How We All Read on Screens
Reading Pixels: A Canyon Metaphor (Addresses working memory.)
Working Memory: Background to Causing Memory
Feeding the Hippocampus: Causing Memory
Familiarity vs Fluency: Line Reader and Scroll Bar Tools
Working Memory: Familiarity and Fluency with the Hide Reveal Tool
Genre Characteristics: Apples, Oranges, and Grapefruits
The Scroll Bar, Comprehension, and Questions: Digital Tools
Genre Structure and the Notepad
We have more in the pipeline...do you need more?