Reading Test:
This used to be a purple ditto. Mom had it in her notebook of quick assessments she used at Humphrey's Highland. I have no idea where it came from. But... it's short. It's accurate when I've used it with longer comprehension assessments- and I have no idea why.
Here's what I'm playing with. We give assessments to figure out what we are supposed to teach but we don't know. I'm not sure that is working. These errors/miscues tell us what they know about the reading process - their beliefs about what reading is. So - for the first time, I'm looking at the errors with a different lens. What do these behaviors mean in terms of their approach cognitively to reading? What do they actually think they are doing? Because they aren't TRYING to make errors. They believe something that causes these choices that aren't just related to what they don't know.
G -
3.8 - abo... (self corrected) approve
4.4 -hesitation, quite...I don't know. (quality)
4.8 - that's hard too! (grieve)
5.1 - k...I don't know how to say that (quarrantine)
5.2 - con...contay...looks up and moves on
5.3 - glol...gloltten...glulton
5.4 - ex...hah...uh...I don't know
G is solid with decoding and vocabulary until about the fourth grade level (4.3). Her vocabulary seems to be at a similar level. Once she gets to multiple syllable words, g/c combos, and advanced vowel patterns, she doesn't seem to know what to do to solve the words. She stops and just explains that she doesn't know how to approach the word. She can begin the first three to four letters, but does not go much beyond the beginning for most words.
For the spelling assessment, she spelled "tran" for train, "fram" for frame, "chouch" for couch, and "squiril", suggesting that she may be between within word and syllable juncture.
Emerging theory of reading:
- I don't expect words to make sense.
- I don't know a lot of vocabulary.
- When I come to a word I don't know, I don't really know what to do. Words baffle me.
- I look at the initial parts of the words and scan through. If the initial sounds don't make sense, I realize that I did something wrong and move on.
- I hear and represent syllables and sounds in my writing, but I'm not sure about the letters for vowel sounds.
- I remember visual things about some words and try to write them down like I remember them.
1.6 - block for book; self corrected
4.1 - spilt for split
4.6 - yurge for urge
4.7 - collapson for collapse
4.8 - grinnive for grieve
5.1 - kwaratine for quarrantine
5.2 - corage - for contagious
glooton - glutton; implee for imply; three hold for threshold; eethics for ethics (SC); deslot for desolate
I should have stopped Am earlier, but she was so energetic and positive (3.9). She doesn't seem to understand that the words she is reading don't make sense - which suggests a lack of vocabulary as well as a theory of reading that things just don't make sense. She's using the initial visual and some of the ending of words. She is not smooth tracking through words, and misses the penultimate syllable, suggesting a lack of understanding of syllables as well. The lack of knowledge regarding syllables is also causing problems with vowel sounds.
For the spelling assessment, she was able to spell all words except for the last one - sqirl for squirrel, suggesting that she may be between syllable juncture and derivational constancy.
Am's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I know that words are supposed to make sense.
- I don't know a lot of vocabulary.
- I look at the beginning and end of words but skip the middle.
- I don't know the sounds of some vowels.
- When I spell, I try to represent all the sounds, but I don't understand how words are made.
Ad -
4.6 - yurg for urge; syllabication; vowel sounds, g2; vocabulary
4.7 - cospsand for collapse (SC) - There's some internal processing here to get from the s to the ll in the middle of the word; vocabulary
5.1 - quarnaty for quarrantine - syllabication; did he see the end of the word? sounds a bit like warranty - vocabulary?
5.3 - glooton for glutton - syllabication in doubling; vocabulary
5.5 - im plee for imply - vocabulary; knows common y ending as in friendly
5.7 - cometery for contemporary - syllabication, initial and final; not smooth tracking through the whole word; vocabulary - perhaps he knows commentary
5.9 - thersold for threshold -reversals in tracking; sh in syllabication; vocabulary
6.2 - dis o late for desolate - vocabulary
Ad has an approach to words that suggests many gaps in word knowledge and sounds. (6.2?) He never misses three words in sequence. He has an approach to sounding out words, but does not seem to notice that they don't make sense, suggesting a problem with both vocabulary and his theory of reading.
For the spelling assessment, he spelled fram for frame, struggled with hoping - marking out the e. He spelled squirrel as squrel. He also lets his descending letters sit on the line. This suggests a problem with visual acuity misconceptions during decoding print. Taken with the decoding assessment - Ad seems to be between syllable juncture and derivational constancy. Review for cvce words in syllable juncture is also warranted.
Ad's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I have some strategies to figure out words, but the gaps in my knowledge are causing problems.
- I don't know a lot of vocabulary, but I try to make unknown words match the words I do know.
- When I write, I try to represent all the sounds in words, but I don't really know what to do with vowels.
- I expect words to make sense, but I make a lot of mistakes and get the wrong idea about meaning.
I didn't listen to Zi read words.
He spelled "squrrel" for "squirrel"
4.4 - qu...hesitation...quality
5.2 - coura gioust for contagious
5.3 - glooton - for glutton
5.9 - theres hold for threshold
6.1 - ethic for ethics
6.2 - dis so lit for desolate
I should have stopped him after glutton but didn't. He topped out at 4.4, but was able to read several words successfully after that. It appears that he is trying to sound out words, pausing to think silently. He tries to say words that he knows, but they don't match the syllables. He has gaps in phonic and syllable knowledge.
He spelled clouchk for couch, and spurall for squirrel. He doens't close the loops on the a. To make an f, he makes a t and then adds the curve.
Au's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I know a lot of words.
- I look at the visual elements of the words until it sounds like a word I know. I do not always look through the whole word.
- I expect words to make sense.
- When I write, I try to make all the sounds.
- I am still confused by the direction the q should go.
2.4 - hisself for himself - probably dialect
4.1 - slip for split
4.8 - Griver for grieve
5.1 - hesitation - guarrn...quaranikity for quarrantine
5.5 - implee for imply
5.7 - contemporly - contemporary
5.9 - ther sold for threshold
6 - patience for participate
6.1 - emphasis for ethics
6.2 deslate for desolate
Sbe spelled squarl for squirrel
Yi's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I look at the word as a whole and make a guess about what I think the word it.
- I don't expect the words to be ones I know.
- I don't know a lot of words.
- When I write, I try to use all the syllables and sounds.
- When I write, I do not know the letters for the sounds I want to use. I don't know how to represent syllables yet.
3.8 approv for approve
5.3 - glooten for gluton
5.5 - apply for imply
5.7 - con...for contagious
5.8 - theo for theory
5.9 - three hold for threshold
6.1 - ee thics for ethics
6.2 - de sol ate - for desolate
She spelled sqruell for squirrel
Ka's Emerging Theory of Reading:
- I don't expect words to make sense.
- I don't know a lot of words.
- I have strategies for some words, but words like contagious are overwhelming.
- When I write, I try to represent all the sounds and syllables, but I get confused about the order. I know the letters that should be there, but I don't get them in order.
3.5 - Flit - sc
4.7 h - collapse
4.8 h receive for grieve
5.1 quality for quarrantine
5.2 conjurious for contagious
5.4 extreff for exhaust
5.5 implee for imply
image SC
complementar - contempora
thers hold for threshold
h pur...?
enfluences vs ethics
desclorate vs desolate
He spelled fram for frame; chouch for couch; makeing for making; hopeing for hoping; nashioun for nation; sqirr for squirrel
Ke's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I don't expect things to make sense.
- I look at the beginning and scan through to the end of a word and make up something that makes sense to me.
- I don't know a lot of words.
- I have gaps in my phonic and syllabic repertoire.
- Sometimes, I don't pay attention to the initial visual and make something that seems to fit what I know.
- When I write, I look to see what others are doing and copy them (Ga, chouch).
- When I write, I try to represent all the sounds, but I don't know the rules for syllables and some sounds. I leave off the ending of words because I scan over them and use all my energy on the beginning.
2.7 - spill for spell
4.7 collopset -collapse
5 resentir - residence
5.1 qalentin - quarrantine
5.2 - hogerous - contagious
5.3 gloo - glutton
5.4 excaust - exhaust
ther should
paticoppit tate
Decoding at 4.9
She spelled freme for frame; spruell for squirrel
Li's Emerging Theory of Reading
- I don't know a lot of words.
- I don't expect words to make sense.
- I try to sound out words, but I say sounds that don't match the letters.
- When I write, I still get my letters backward. I'm trying to do the sounds that match the letters.
1.3 reed for red
4.1 slip for spilt
5.2 conflu for contagious
5.3 - gloot for gluton
5.4 extinguish for exhaust
He spelled fram for frame; coach for couch, hopeing for hoping, going back to add the e after finishing the word; squirrl for squirrel
Decoding - 5.1
Is Emerging Theories of Reading
- I expect words to make sense.
- I know a lot of words.
- I try to sound out words, but the sounds get our of order and trigger other words that I think I know.
- When I write, I try to represent all the sounds, but I get confused when we start to add endings.
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