Saturday, October 7, 2017




Getting Ready:

  1. Seat students into inside outside circles, knee to knee. You might want to give them a clipboard or a book as a hard work surface.
  2. During the activity students in the inside circle stay seated. Students in the outside ring move clockwise.
  3. Everyone brings a piece of writing that is ready to go to print. (Number the lines.) They prepare a cover sheet that looks like this:

4. Prepare the cover sheet to address what you have directly taught. You might place your non-negotiables first, like:
  1. Begin a sentence with a capital letter and end with punctuation.
  2. Write in complete sentences.
  3. Use a comma after introductory elements.
  4. Distinguish between:
    1. Their, there, they’re
    2. You’re, your


  1. Students exchange papers with the person across from them.
  2. The teacher calls out an item for proofreading and the students write their name on the paper and the item they will be proofreading for. If the editor finds a place where the writer should consider making a change, the editor notates the proofreading list where the writer should look.  
3. Give time for students to scan the papers. Students exchange papers at the end of that time and move clockwise to read the next paper.

4. After the clocking experience, leave time for students to re-enter their documents to make changes.

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