Friday, October 6, 2017

Last Supper Proofreading Technique


  1. Organize your tables or desks to resemble a large supper table. You might even want to go to the cafeteria.
  2. Get some paper plates and glue in instructions about lessons that you have taught or would like for students to focus on.
    1. List of frequently misspelled words.
    2. Capitalization Rules with examples
    3. Comma Rules with examples
    4. MLA/APA formatting rules with examples.
    5. Etc.
  3. “Set” the table, using highlighters and pencils as the utensils.
  4. Prepare a “napkin” that is a ½ sheet of paper or a set of lined sticky notes.
  5. Students bring their papers to the table and sit at the plates.
  6. Students take the napkins and write notes (if they are editing for other people) or highlight or underline things they need to correct (if they are proofing the papers for themselves).

You can have expert tables (people who are good at certain things like spelling or comma rules) where all of the class’s papers pass through those plates.

You can have kids sit at certain places and pass the plates after a certain amount of time. Or you can have the kids move from seat to seat. Up to you.

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